Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom

These gems have tales to tell. Some are funny, most are not.

Kelly Fields
6 min readMar 8, 2023
Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

In my opinion catching a glimpse of the Crown Jewels outside the Tower of London is far more exciting that the actual coronation of Charles III. Sorry Charlie, but that’s my truth. Here is a handy guide to a few of the most notable Crown Jewels so you can impress your friends and enemies with your vast knowledge during the coronation festivities.

The Crown Jewels are made up of more than 100 objects that collectively contain more than 23,000 gemstones. They have hung out in the Tower London since the 1660s waiting for the occasions when they are required. These jewels are important to the British people, as they have been used in coronation ceremonies for ages. The collection is estimated to be worth anywhere from $1.2 to $5.8 billion dollars in total. Though their curators are quick to admit their cultural value is priceless.

St. Edward’s Crown, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

One of the most famous pieces in the collection is St. Edward’s Crown. This handsome fella was created in 1661 and is used only when the new king or queen is crowned, so it doesn’t see too much action. Queen Elizabeth II last wore it in 1953…



Kelly Fields

Kelly Fields is a reader, writer, cake decorator, and knitter living out her dreams one day at a time.