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Lesser Known Quotes from Famous People
They may not be real, but wouldn’t it be funny if they were.
“I’m hungry.”
“You know, I think I will let this fan-favorite character live happily ever after.”
-George R.R. Martin
“I don’t even like lasagna really, but evidently it’s the only thing Jon knows how to make.”
“Has anyone seen my ear? Huh? I’m sorry I can’t hear you.”
-Vincent Van Gogh
“No thank you, I’ve had enough to drink.”
-Winston Churchill
“Oops, I dropped the key.”
-Harry Houdini
“I lied. I can’t stop lying. Sorry.”
-President Donald Trump
“I’m bad.”
-Michael Jackson
“That whole bible thing…Yeah, I just like to write fan-fiction in my free time. I didn’t think people would actually read it, much less believe it.”
“Forget it, just go buy a pre-made turkey from the supermarket. It’ll be fine.”
-Martha Stewart