Reality Versus Advertising

Funny how wrong some advertising slogans get it.

Kelly Fields


Photo by Anthony Rosset on Unsplash

We are bombarded with ads on the street, radio, internet and television. I started to wonder how some of those more famous campaigns hold up in the real world. Turns out some companies really got it wrong.

Disneyland: The Happiest Place on Earth

Nope! Tell this to a parent of three kids under the age ten after they have stood in line for an hour and a half in hundred degree heat to ride the Jungle Cruise only to discover that yes, it is possible for a child to get seasick on a boat track. And boy do you regret dishing out ten bucks for that Dole Whip that is now dripping down the side of the boat into the murky waters below.

Foldgers: The Best Part of Waking Up is Foldgers in Your Cup

The best part of waking up is…let’s be honest, waking up is not fun unless you get to roll out of bed of your own accord sometime after noon.

Capital One: What’s in your wallet?

Seven dollars in small bills. A tattered car insurance card. My driver’s license featuring a photo of me from eight years ago in which I appear to be seeing the ghost of my Grandmother walking naked across a busy road. A sandwich club card three hole punches away from earning a six in sub. A crumpled post-it with the combination to my locker at the gym I haven’t been to in several years. The business card of a psychic I went to on a whim, who is apparently also a life coach.

DeBeers: A Diamond is Forever

Diamonds are forever, or until your partner decides there’s someone better. Then you have an ugly divorce during which you throw your diamond ring across the room hoping to maim your soon to be ex-partner.

AT&T: Reach Out and Touch Someone You Love

Reach out and Touch Someone you… hey! Stop it! Have you ever heard of consent? You don’t know if that person loves you and wants you to touch them back. You can’t just be out there trying to touch people without their permission anymore.

Mastercard: There are some things…



Kelly Fields

Kelly Fields is a reader, writer, cake decorator, and knitter living out her dreams one day at a time.